良许Linux 应用开发自学之路https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU3NTgyODQ1Nw==&mid=2247485369&idx=1&sn=2ccc26613f44fe0f42759c30e3500182&chksm=fd1c7 ...
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry PiVery interesting Raspberry Pi applicationshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbKY-n71XCE Raspberry Pi is a very small computer.https://en.wik ...
Solution of Ubuntu suspend errors
I have a Thinkpad T480 and use Ubuntu 18.04. Recently, I occassionally encounter black screen problem when I tried to wake the computer up from suspen ...
World Population
Now the total population of the world is 7.7 billion. References:www.worldpopulationreview.com
deal.II-Module: Constraints on degrees of freedom
This module deals with constraints on degrees of freedom. As from the collaboration diagram, the AffineConstraints class is the central class to deal ...
Linux Study (Linux就该这么学.pdf)
First, introduce how to embed pdf in Hexo.npm install –save hexo-pdf Second, enable pdf in the Next themeOpen the file of the next/_config.yml and edi ...
c++ new delete
c++ new delete 常踩的坑https://wetest.qq.com/lab/view/318.htmlC++ 代码对应的汇编代码是本文值得学习的地方
CellId Class (providing global cell index)A class to represent a unique ID for a cell in a Triangulation. It is returned by cell->id() if cell is a ...
From: https://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/Gallery
Great Scientists
袁亚湘 (Yaxiang Yuan)Famous for nonlinear programming and optimization theory. Book: Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear Programming(最优化理论和方法:非线性规 ...