Great Scientists

袁亚湘 (Yaxiang Yuan)

Famous for nonlinear programming and optimization theory.

Book: Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear Programming


现任国际工业与应用数学联盟(International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)主席(President, 2019–2023),中国科协副主席(2016年),中国数学会理事长(2015 年),世界科学院院士(2015年),巴西科学院通讯院士(2014年),美国数学学会首届会士(2012年),中国科学院院士(2011年),美国工业与应用数学学会(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)会士(2011年)。曾任中国运筹学会理事长(2004–2012),中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副院长(1998–2007),中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所所长(1995-2007),科学与工程计算国家重点实验室主任(1996-2005)。

出生于中国湖南省资兴县蓼江镇上村。十八岁考上湘潭大学,四年后考上中国科学院计算中心研究生,师从冯康教授。1982年11月起在剑桥大学应用数学与理论物理系攻读博士,师从 M.J.D. Powell 教授。1986年获博士学位。1985年10月至1988年9月在剑桥大学菲茨威廉姆学院工作 (Rutherford research fellow),1988年回到中国在中国科学院计算中心工作。成为当时中科院最年轻的正研究员。


PhD supervisor: Michael J.D. Powell (famous for approximation theory and optimisation)

From: wikipedia

Zhaojun Bai

Famous for being an developer of the famous library named LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage).

Numerical Linear Algebra.

Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty Scientist of Scalable Solvers Group at LBL

Mailing address: 
Department of Computer Science 
University of California 
One Shields Avenue 
Davis, CA 95616

Office: 3005 Kemper Hall 
Phone: (530) 752-4874 
Fax: (530) 752-4767 
email: bai at 


Hongchao Zhang

Famous for nonlinear programming.

Provided open source code of optimization and programming.

An associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Center for Computational & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State University

B.S.  Department of Mathematics, Shandong University, 1998.

M.Sc.   Computing Center, CAS, 2001.

Ph.D.  Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Florida, 2006

Post-Doc. IBM TJ Watson Research Center , 2007

Post-Doc. IMA, Univ. of Minnesota, 2008

Research Interests

Nonlinear Programming and its Applications 

Sparse Matrix Computing, Graph Partitioning 

Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Petrophysics 

Derivative Free Optimization 


Chih-Che Chueh

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University

I knew him for the step-43 tutorial program in deal.II.

Research: fluid, HPC, AMR, transient two-phase flow, heterogeneous porous media

Interesting publication:
Powder particle modeling:
Effective conductivity:


Ned Djilali

Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Victoria, Mechanical Engineering

I knew him by searching Chih-Che Chueh. Google scholar over 12000 citations.

Research: Fuel Cells, Energy Systems, Transport Phenomena, Turbulence, CFD

Pang-Chieh Sui

Professor at Wuhan University of Technology

I knew him by searching Ned Djilali.

Research: fuel cell, transport phenomena

Yi-Chung Chen

I knew him by searching deal.II for CellId class. He developed MTA (Manchester Thermal Analyzer).

He is now an assistant professor in Tennessee State University since 2019.09.

His research interests include HW/SW co-design, domain-specific computing, high performance computing, advanced computing system, nonvolatile memory system, finite element method, EDA tool development, ultra low power embedded system, reconfigurable computing, and human brain-inspired AI.

His personal website is:

Xinzeng Feng

I knew him by searching deal.II for CellId class.!searchin/dealii/cell_id|sort:date/dealii/Z-teOCeI2_M/lmOX-AI-oHEJ

Postdoc in Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES)
Developing mechanically coupled diffusive model to predict in vivo tumor growth via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.
His personal info.:

Bjarne Stroustrup

I know him by C++.

Creator of C++.

His recent lecture video is on youtube:

Personal website:

Topology Optimization

Jun Wu

Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology

Field of interests:
Graphical post-process and operations of topology optimization geometries

(1) Design of medical devices with tailor-made physical properties,

(2) Design of soft-bodied robots for stable physical interaction,

(3) Design of lightweight and robust structures for 3D printing.

I knew him by this paper (shared by Alex in MSAM):
Infill Optimization for Additive Manufacturing—Approaching Bone-Like Porous Structures

His personal homepage:

Charlie C. L. Wang (王昌凌)

Professor at HKUST

Field of interests:
Geometric Computing, Computational Design, Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics

I knew him by searching Jun Wu. Wu was his post-doc.

Personal homepage:

Wei Gao

Researcher at Design lab (

Research interests:
Design, simulation and optimization of foldable, reconfigurable and self-assembly mechanisms/robotic systems.

I knew him for a highly cited paper published in Computer-Aided Design (CAD):
The status, challenges, and future of additive manufacturing in engineering

Alireza Askarzadeh

Department of Energy Management and Optimization, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

Optimization algorithm

I knew him because his paper is the most cited paper in the journal Computers & Structures: A novel metaheuristic method for solving constrained engineering optimization problems: Crow search algorithm

Xiaoping Qian

Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison

I knew him by the paper: Topology optimization of self-supporting support structures for additive manufacturing

Research interests:
computational design of multi-physics systems, with technical emphasis spanning geometric modeling, topology optimization, shape optimization and isogeometric analysis.

Personal website:

He is hiring post-doc. (Mar., 2019)

Daicong Da

Topology optimization. Post-doc at Professor Xiaoping Qian currently.

I knew him by searching the journal “Computers & Structures” on google scholar.

He is also cooperating with Professor Liang Xia according to recent works.

Kang Li 李康

Siemens PLM Software Inc. (Advanced Software Engineer) July 2015 to Present

Research interests:
Model visualization toolkit and industry standard JT file format
Develop new visualization technologies: Ultra-Lightweight Precise (ULP) format

I knew him by searhing the Alumni of Professor Xiaoping Qian’s lab.
Excellent personal website:

Xiaojia Shelly Zhang

Assistant professor at UIUC

I knew her incidentally by search deal.ii and topology optimization in google image and found a paper of her:
Multi-material topology optimization with multiple volumeconstraints: a general approach applied to groundstructures with material nonlinearity

Research interests:

– topology optimization
– stochastic programming
– machine learning
– additive manufacturing

Quantum Computer

John Martinis

Google AI group. Professor at UCSB. Director of quantum computer research in google.
Google citation is over 34000.

[2019.10.25] I knew him by searching the recently published nature paper of quantum computing:
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor

Yu Chen

Researcher at Google AI.

[2019.10.25] I knew him by searching the recently published nature paper of quantum computing:
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor

Zijun Chen

Researcher at Google AI.

[2019.10.25] I knew him by searching the recently published nature paper of quantum computing:
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor

Aerosol Science

Pai Liu

Researcher at Washington University at St. Louis

Research interest:
Mechanism of nanoparticle aggregation and gelation in a buoyancy opposed flame aerosol reactor (BOFAR)

I knew him through deal.II google group (2019.11.07).

Additive manufacturing

Lianyi Chen

Assitant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

I knew him through the Nature communication paper suggested by Ehsan Toyserkani:

Lianyi received his Ph.D. in Materials Science (focusing on metallurgy) from Zhejiang University in 2009, and conducted postdoctoral research in Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (from 2010 to 2013) and UCLA (from 2013-2014). His research interests are at the intersection of manufacturing, materials science and nanotechnology. Specifically, Lianyi is interested in metal additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing, metal matrix nanocomposites, lightweight metals, metallic glasses and in-situ characterization. He has over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including 1 in Nature, 3 in Nature Communications, 2 in Physical Review Letters, and 5 in Acta Materialia, in addition to 7 patents.

JZ Jiang 蒋建中

Lianyi Chen’s PhD supervisor.

I knew him by Lianyi Chen.


Huilong Hou 侯慧龙

Publish a paper about AM on Science:
Fatigue-resistant high-performance elastocaloric materials via additive manufacturing

This work is done during he being Post-doc in Maryland University.

Now hired by Beihang University.

PhD, Penn State University
Master, Beihang University

I knew him by the Webchat moment of 江苏激光产业技术创新联盟陈长军 on Dec. 1st, 2019.

Tatu Pinomaa

Phase-field modeling of LPBF, see his recent Acta Materialia paper:

He has published several Acta Materialia papers.

He is from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finaland Ltd, Espoo, Finland.
He is also a co-supervised Ph.D. student of Prof. Nikolas Provatas.

I knew him by searching what is the best FEM software.
And then, I found Code_Aster is a good one in one of the comments in the discussions of Researchgate.
And then, I googled “Code_Aster Additive Manufacturing” and found a report:
In the report, Tatu Pinomaa is the third author.

Nikolas Provatas

Professor, Canada Research Chair
Department of Physics Rutherford Building,
McGill University, 3600 rue University,
Montreal, Québec H3A 2T8, Canada
Tel: (514) 398-4479

I knew him by searching Tatu Pinomaa. He is currently has two open positions for Ph.D. students.

His research is at the interface of condensed matter physics and materials science. It combines high-performance computing with non-equilibrium thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and experiments to understand the fundamental origins of microstructure evolution in materials processes.

Personal website:

Anssi Laukkanen

Research professor, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Finland · Espoo

I knew him by the report that is mentioned in the introduction of Tatu Pinomaa.

Personal research interests in multiscale and multiphysical modeling, such as development of modeling techniques especially in the micromechanical range, consisting of modeling of single and polycrystal scale phenomena affiliated with deformation and failure behavior of materials.

Personal website:

Taylor London

Section Manager for Numerical Modelling & Optimisation at TWI

He obtained his master from the University of Oxford

I knew him by googling “Process Model for Metal Additive Manufacturing”, and found a paper on researchgate:
Taylor is the third author.

Then I kept searching his google scholar:
And found another paper: Residual Strain Predictions for a Powder Bed Fusion Inconel 625 Single Cantilever Part.

I found Yangzhan Yang is the first author and from dassault. So I kept searching “Yangzhan Yang dassault”. And I found this webpage:

They together has won AM Bench Test Series’ residual elastic strains category.

Their work should get more attention.

Yangzhan Yang

Working at Dassault.

I knew her by searching the paper mentioned in the introduction of Taylor London.

André Stork

André Stork is head of the Competence Center for Interactive Engineering Technologies and honorary professor at Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt.

Research interests:
geometry modelling and shape processing, 2D/3D interaction techniques, simulation, and scientific visualization

I knew him through caxman is EU project. The objectives of Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan) are to establish Cloud based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop-Shop for CAx-technologies supporting the design, simulation and process planning for Additive Manufacturing.
I knew through I knew through googling “deal.II FEM additive manufacturing”.

Prof. André Stork’s personal website: